In the Social Logins section, you can configure social media integrations to enable seamless signup/login functionality.


Create separate apps for Facebook Login and Facebook Login for business if you are using Embedded Signup.

  1. Go to the Facebook for Developers website and sign in with your Facebook account and click My Apps from the menu.
  2. Then click to “Create App” button as here.
  3. Give your app a name
  4. On the next page, select Authenticate and request data from users with Facebook Login.
  5. Select your business (if applicable).
    • Kindly note that business verification is required for production.
    • You will also be required to go through app review in order for your app to get public_profile permission.
  6. From the app page, click Settings and then Basic. Get the App ID and App Secret from here.
  7. From the same page, you need to ensure that you add the following information as well:
    • App icon
    • Privacy policy URL
    • User data deletion policy url &
    • Category
  8. Add your callback URL i.e. to ‘Valid OAuth redirect URIs’

Please note, once your app is verified, you will now be able to use the app on production.

That’s it! You now have your Facebook Client ID and Secret, which you can use to integrate Facebook into your application. Make sure to keep your keys and secrets safe and secure to protect your users’ data.


  1. Go to Google Cloud Console and create a new project.
  2. Then click the CREATE PROJECT to continue, input your project name and organization (you can set it as No organization) then click CREATE.

NOTE: If you have a project already you can skip the above steps. And just select your current project name created previously.

  1. After creating the project, click the credentials link on the left side menu. Then click + CREATE CREDENTIALS button. From the dropdown select OAuth client ID.
  2. In the next screen click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN.
  3. In the next screen click, select User Type as External
  4. If your account is new you need to finish the OAuth consent screen and provide the important details they ask for.
  5. Once the consent is finished, go back to the Credentials page by clicking Credentials on the left menu. Then click + CREATE CREDENTIALS button & from the dropdown select OAuth client ID (Like step 3 above)
  6. Add the following details:
  7. Click save and then copy the client ID and secret to your app.

That’s it! You now have your Google Client ID and Secret, which you can use to integrate Google into your application. Make sure to keep your keys and secrets safe and secure to protect your users’ data.